Terms of cooperation

Terms of cooperation

credibility and loyalty. It means, that we in Artemis do not use foreign contacts and foreign business partners for our own benefit in order to gather and collect our own contact network.

Our 30 years of experience in the Polish hunting market has confronted us with various situations where honesty, understanding and diplomacy have secured us great recognition and leading position in the market.

For at do it as less complicated and easy for our customers and to secure the best service ever for them we would like to present our terms of duties. We have divided them in simple categories for at do it as much readable and obvious ad possible.

Reservation of hunting

The hunting agency ARTEMIS is an intermediary between members of a hunting club and foreign customers (hunting operators abroad and the individual hunters) and is responsible for organization of hunting, preparation of hunting areas and taking the report after finished hunting trip.

In order to book a hunting a hunter or a group has to confirm the received contract first and fill in the booking form and send it back by email. Each season, we speak here about roebuck, red deer, fallow deer and non-trophy hunting season, has its own deadlines, where hunting has to be confirmed and prepaid. Our request is that every hunting trip booked as early as possible. This is the way to guarantee our clients the best prices and hunting areas. Below we present in a short form the deadlines, where individual hunting trip has to be booked.

Hunting season for roe-buck in May is short, that’s why all reservation have to be send till the end of February. Bookings received earlier will assure availability of hunting areas located close to the border, reservations received later will allow to choose among areas located more far from the border.

  • Roebuck hunting in May: latest the 15th of March, after that the prepayment confirmed in the contract
  • Ruth season: latest the 15th of June. Ruth season in September latest the 15th of July.
  • In each single other situation the group for individual hunting hast to be booked latest one month before the hunting trip starts.
  • Driven hunting: latest the beginning of August. Latest the 15th of September the number of hunters in a group can change insignificant.
  • If the group is not booked or confirmed to the right time or the number of hunters is smaller than agreed in the contract, Artemis hast the right to sell the trip to other group or cancel it as well.


  • Each hunter has a right to cancel the hunting without any consequences at latest 30 days before the planned dated of arrival. In case the hunting trip is cancelled in a shorter period than 30 days before the planned day of arrival hunter is obligated to pay the entire cost of stay and hunting organization mentioned in each contract individually. Those rules regard both – individual and driven hunting.

NUMBER OF HUNTERS (regards driven hunting):

  • Number of hunters in a driven hunting group cannot be smaller than 14 participants. If the group counts less people than mentioned in the contract, Artemis has the right to add own clients with the permission of the group leader.
  • The number of the participants can be changed – the final number has to be delivered latest 30 days before the beginning of the hunting. In case if the number of the participants will be significantly changed 30 days before the planned date of arrival, the leader of a group is obligated to pay for all missing participants.
  • In case of force majeure, in order to guarantee the best result Artemis is allowed to change the hunting area, but no later than 1,5 month before the beginning of the hunting. This is the way to keep the best hunting areas for our hunters. If the group do not agree or confirm the change, hunting trip will be cancelled and the group gets the pre-payment back.


  • After receiving the pre-payment for each hunting trip, Artemis is obliged and responsible to prepare and deliver all required documents to the hunter like voucher, a map with the location of the accommodation as well as all contact details (to the guide/translator). Each woucher provides information about the dates of the hunting trip, games to shoot, accommodation place and the name of the hunting area.
  • Each group gets the practical information for the hunting trip as well: the name and a mobile phone number of the translator and others.
  • Each hunter is personally responsible to control all travel documents. It regards first of all the rules and conditions for the transportation of guns on the plane.
  • Each hunter is obliged to have a valid European Firearms Pass
    by crossing the Polish borders. This is the legal document that enable you to come with your gun directly to Poland. In other case you have to apply to the local Police for a European Firearm Certificate or the Polish Consulate.
  • If you would like to fly with your gun, you have to ensure yourself, if the national or low budget airlines take the gun with. If you decide not to take your gun with you, we may arrange a gun for you by payment, however, you must have a valid gun permission with you. It may be a shot gun or a rifle depending on what type of gun you have on your gun permission.
  • When the hunting is over, representatives for Artemis prepare protocol from the hunting trip. A protocol is a legal document, than enables to take the trophies of the guns abroad. A hunter confirms with his/hers signature, that everything mentioned in the protocol is 100 % right. All complains have to be mentioned in the protocol to claim the appropriate refund. If nothing is mentioned in the hunting protocol, the client has no legal right to get a proper refund
  • Each hunter can take the trophies with home. All relevant documents will be prepared before departure. The measurement and evaluation of trophies and their weight take place before departure in the presence of: a representative of the responsible hunting area where the hunt is being held, hunters, Artemis representatives and a guide/interpreter. If the drying time of trophies cannot be maintained for formal reasons, for example due to an earlier departure of the hunter - then the actual weight of the trophy (without drying and the associated weight loss) is valid. For these reasons there is no possibility to complain about the weight after coming back home. In this case no refund will be taken into account. All complains and requests has to be written down in the protocol to have the right to claim any refund back..


  • We always ask our customers, how they want to be accommodated during the hunting. This is our priority, that everybody fells welcome and good.
  • Artemis employees have a huge knowledge about different accommodation possibilities. 30 years on the market let us provide the best service to all hunters. Our employees personally check how our customers will live. There are several options: hunting lodges, hotels and private homes. We try to satisfy our customers' wishes and ensure an excellent standard of accommodation with traditional Polish cuisine, depending on their wishes, and a friendly and pleasant atmosphere where our customers can relax after hunting.
  • Depending on the quality of the accommodation each hunter is obliged to pay extra for accommodation in single rooms. He amount is 20 €/night/person.

Detailed terms and conditions:

As soon as the hunting trip is booed, there is only one thing that is missing- a prepayment. All prepayments are mentioned in each contract confirmed by customer. If the prepayment. To make it more readable and easy to find we assume it below.

  • Roebuck hunting in May till the 15th of March.
  • Rut season: till the 15th of June
  • Rut season in September- till the 15th of July
  • Driven hunting- latest the 15th of September
  • In case of other individual hunting trips the prepayment has to be transferred latest one month before the hunting trip starts.
  • Prepayment number 2 for games has to be transferred latest 14 days before the start and the amount is: 250 € x number of roebuck and 1000 € x number of red deer stags.
  • After receiving the prepayment Artemis is obliged to provide all travel document to the hunters.
  • Before the beginning of a driven hunting each hunter is obligated to get familiar with the safety rules and to confirm it by signing special file where all rules are included. The same regards a proper use of a gun.
  • It can happen, that a specific number of games can be shorted first of all by the end of the season. Our customers get it to know latest 30 days before the hunting trip starts. It regards first of all non-trophy games.


Penalties regard mostly driven hunting. In case if during a driven hunting a roe buck will be shot – the penalty of 2000 PLN has to be paid directly to the Hunting Club or to the Hunting Police. The same rule regards any game shot illegally. Game wounded and not found will be counted as a shot piece.

Wounded animals will be charged according to appropriate pricelist if the wounding can be proved to the shooter – traces of coat/fur, blood, pieces of bone, fragments of venison (shooting). The hunter has to pay penalty for shooting animals during the close season or without permission of the leader of hunting – trophies and venison is charged according to the price list + 100%.

Drinking alcohol during and just before the hunting is forbidden. In case if a hunter will be drunk it’s allowed to exclude him for a hunting – for few drives or for the whole day.

Artemis obligations:

Artemis hunting agency gives its best to provide the best quality – starting from arranging the service of qualified guide/translator, best hunting areas, accommodation. We are also helpful with arranging a transport from/to the airport. Satisfaction of our Customers’ needs are our best motivation.

Foreign hunters are obligated to respect game law and the Polish hunting regulations legally binding in Poland. Shooting animals during the close season is strictly prohibited.

Force majeure

In case of an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of Artemis such as a war, strike, riot, crime, or natural disasters is Artemis prevented from fulfilling its obligations named in the hunting contract. Artemis S. will inform a client about it in the right time and offer him another hunting district, that represents the same quality standard as the previous one.

All issues will be examined according to the Polish law.